Conservation Conversation

Conserving and Conversing. A blog about a gaggle of students, helping their community go green.

Word-age (Page o’ Words) August 23, 2009

If you have read more than the first sentence on our site, you have probably noticed that we use a wide, random, and often self-imaginated, assortment of word-age! (“Word-age” being one of them.) But do not fret, we formulated this page to aid you in your quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!) to understand our lingo. You will also find the definitions of certain crucial word-age often used by conservationists on this blog. If you spot one of our oddball words of word-age that can’t be found here, please let us know, and we’ll add it to the list. We hope by making this page, to clarify all the muddy spots on our blog, and to show you that we DO have an affinity for the word, “Quest”. (Quest! Quest! Quest!)


Bookaloo– To move


Compare-o-MeterA device we use to demonstrate the difference in energy savings when using a CFL light bulb compared to an incandescent light bulb

Conservation– Finding ways to help preserve the Earth’s natural resources

Coolio– Totally awesome!


Gales– Might winds

Gander– To look at

Gargantuan- very large; massive

Green– No waste


Jim-dandy– A Dandy Jim… (It actually means- “Just fine”)



Link-age Plenty of links to other websites

Localize– To confine to a particular place; to centralize


Permaculture– A form of agriculture that uses a compilation of plants and animals to make a self-sustained, crop producing, ecosystem


Quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!)– To search


Self-imaginated To imagine something of your own accord

Sonnenschein (German)- Sunshine

Serious-edness– Very serious


Transition Town– A community effort to localize the economy, crop production, and minimize waste, also to create eco-friendly business and tourism


Word-age– A particular word used; a large amount of words used in a sentence



2 Responses to “Word-age (Page o’ Words)”

  1. Martina Says:

    Again…. way to go on the dictionary. Totally coolio.

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