Conservation Conversation

Conserving and Conversing. A blog about a gaggle of students, helping their community go green.

We Present to You… The Art of Photography! August 28, 2009

Filed under: Green — webmaster95 @ 9:31 PM
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Okay, so our pictures may not be the most visually stunning. But, hey, they are a lot of fun. You can check them out at our Videos and Pics page. The page title is a link if you don’t want to go through the tremendous effort to click on the page bar at the top of your screen. We’ll be keeping up with the latest pictures of the Green Alliance’s events. We hope you enjoy our quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!) in pictures.


Hark! The Green Knight Cometh August 24, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — webmaster95 @ 4:30 PM

Yes, the Green Knight- sorry- Night is coming. Most people like to call it the Green Evening, but, Green Knight is a cool pun. Sorry if it bugs you. But thats beside the point.

(Tip: Try reading this post with a British accent.)

Hark! Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 in the year of our Lord, at the Emporium Cafe, a Green Evening shall convene. If one wishes, thou shalt eat from the selection, set before you from the scrumdidlioumptious Emporium Cafe. Killowatt Ours (a flippin’ sweet documentary all about your energy consumption and choices) shall be on exhibition. A group of students shall be present to orate, all yours truly- the Green Alliance. We shall speak of those things, which pertain to our efforts we are making through our Enviromental Science quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!).  Such as: this blog; fundraising, conservational projects that we hope to manifest; and the progam we are working on in a joint effort with, the NEED project. The queen and king of… wait, never mind. We request the pleasure of your presence at this meeting.

God bless, and live green.