Conservation Conversation

Conserving and Conversing. A blog about a gaggle of students, helping their community go green.

Something BIG is Coming September 28, 2009

Filed under: Green — webmaster95 @ 9:26 PM
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Something big is coming. On September 29th, 2009, something big is coming.

On September 29th, 2009, at the Emprium Cafe something big is coming.

On September 29th, 2009, at the Emporium Cafe, from 6-8:30 P.M. something BIG is coming.

Well, what is so big? The line-up for the Green Evening this Tuesday! The topic for Tuesday night is “Community Development” + a World Cafe discussion. And the BIG line-up is: Mr. Andrew Langford (founder of the Permaculture Diploma work net across the pond in the UK), Mrs. Liora Adler (from the Ecovillage Network of the Americans and more),  there will be a speaker of our local government ( we like to call him, “The Mystery Man”), and representatives of the Tennessee Technology Center of Lewis County (they will be discussing green enterprise, community development strategies and oppourtunities in the new totally radical Green Jobs Technical Training Program. Also, two awards will be given out, the local Sonnenschein Green Business Award, the first quarterly Regional Green Business Award.

I told you something BIG was coming. So (WHOOP!) there it is! By the way, don’t forget to bring a BIG (or even Gargantuan) appetite, because the Emporium Cafe will be open for business. Don’t forget to bring a friend, and please don’t forget to come.

God bless and live green.

        -The Green Alliance


Glorious Trash September 16, 2009

Filed under: Green — webmaster95 @ 12:29 PM
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Howdy everyone!

The Green Alliance, yours truly, have been taking baby-sized steps, (or Hobbit-sized…never mind), to becoming more eco-friendly. We have begun separating our trash to be recycled, we now have “Plastic Only” and “Paper Only” trash cans. Once we save a large amount of this glorious trash, we will haul it all over to one of the various recycling centers near us. We’re also gathering up lots and lots of cardboard to take to our recycling center, where this trash will be made into GLORIOUS TRASH! (You can see pictures of our glorious trash cans at our Flickr page.) We hope you enjoyed reading about our most beautiful rubbish that we collect on our quest! (Quest! Quest! Quest!)

God bless, and live green.

            -The Green Alliance