Conservation Conversation

Conserving and Conversing. A blog about a gaggle of students, helping their community go green.

The School Efficiency Project February 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — webmaster95 @ 11:59 AM

Last October IFC and Earthjustic held an energy efficiency short film competition. Yours truly, the Green Alliance, decided to whip a short film up over the period of 48 hours. After a few hours writing, a whole day of shooting, a whole night of editing, and many technical headaches, we had…The School Efficiecny Project. Unfortunately, we didn’t win… or even get honorable mention. BUT never fear, we went on a perilous quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!) to bring the video to YOU! 


The School Efficiency Project shows a documentary crew as it follows Tim Woodall, head student councilman of his school, as he tries to pull together the School Efficiency Project. It soon turns disasterous…

The video is in three parts. Check ’em out below!

God bless, and live green!
-The Green Alliance